Installing Mailpit on Laravel Forge
laravelWhen building Laravel applications it's helpful to have a reliable and secure way to test email functionality without sending emails to an actual inbox. Mailpit serves as a l…
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web application framework created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. It is designed to help developers build robust and maintainable web applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
One of the key features of Laravel is its elegant syntax, which is designed to make common web development tasks such as routing, authentication, and caching easy to implement. Laravel also includes a built-in command-line interface called Artisan, which provides helpful tools for task automation and application management.
Laravel also provides a range of tools for common web application needs such as caching, database management and queuing. Additionally, it provides an elegant syntax for database querying and also has built-in support for popular front-end frameworks such as Vue.js and React.
When building Laravel applications it's helpful to have a reliable and secure way to test email functionality without sending emails to an actual inbox. Mailpit serves as a l…
On a recent project we encountered some very strange and difficult to investigate bugs on our Livewire enabled web application. The app would load as expected, but after some…
In most web apps, we encounter situations where we need to implement repetitive CRUD-type use cases across multiple entities. In our recent projects at Slashnode, we’ve been …
One of the most important things for you to consider when planning the deployment of your application into production is how to handle detecting the “environment.” The envir…
Laravel provides some great tools for simplifying the development of web applications. One of them is the Response facade, which allows us to quickly and easily send informat…
I like the repository pattern (link), but find it tedious in a lot of ways. We employ the pattern because it enables us to break the dependency between our controllers and/or…
We like to stay on the cutting edge, so when Laravel 5 was released in February 2015, it wasn’t a question of whether or not we would migrate our 4.x applications across… it …